This is documentation for the serial integration. Please note that this is just documentation for the interface, different boards might have different caveats for the various procedures.
type SerialPort = object
- This is the type of a serial port, the object should be passed to all serial procedures. If your board requires runtime information to manage the serial port this will be kept in this object, and the below procedures won't be defined to use a static object. The board should define available serial ports.
proc setBaudRate(serial: static[SerialPort]; baud: Hz; clock = defaultClock)
- Sets the baud rate of the serial port. The actual baud rate might be dependent on whether or not the serial port is in "double speed" mode. If no clock is passed in the default clock for the board is used, so if the board is clocked differently the serial port speed will not be correct.
proc init(serial: static[SerialPort]; baud = 115.2.Khz)
- Initializes the serial port to receive and transfer, disables double speed mode, and sets the baud rate to the given rate.
proc send(serial: static[SerialPort]; c: char)
- Sends the given character over the given serial port. If this can be done without waiting for the byte to be completely sent it will return immediately.
proc send(serial: static[SerialPort]; str: cstring)
- Sends the given string over the given serial port.
proc send(serial: static[SerialPort]; str: Progmem[cstring]; size: int)
- Sends size bytes of the given string stored in program memory. Typically you won't create a Progmem[cstring] yourself but rather obtain one from somewhere else.
template send[N: static[int]](serial: static[SerialPort]; data: ProgmemString[N])
- Sends the full string stored in program memory over the serial port.